Office of Information Technology for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Office of Information Technology for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Finding the name of your PC

All Windows Mac and Linux

  1. Open the command prompt, PowerShell or terminal and type hostname and press enter.

If you prefer the Graphical User Interface, try one of the following.

Windows 10

  1. Click the start menu then the gear for settings
  2. Click System then choose About at the bottom left.
  3. Under Device Specifications the PC name will be listed as Device Name.

Windows 8

  1. Press the Windows logo key + X to see a list of commands and options.
  2. Click System.
  3. The computer name appears under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Windows 7

  1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
  2. The computer name appears under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

Windows 7 (Alternative)

  1. Click on Start > Control Panel > System.
  2. The computer name appears under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.

MacOS and Mac OS X

  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences > Sharing.
  2. The computer name appears at the top of the window.