What is happening
Hello everyone. Currently the Internet connection at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center is degraded and experiencing sluggishness. By all indications, these errors are happening off of our network and upstream at the telco vendor. We are in contact with the Verizon, the telco vendor to get an estimated time to repair.
What does this affect
This will affect you if you are physically at the APC trying to connect to the Internet or using VPN or remote desktop to access resources at the APC including Kronos, Harmony, Great Plain or Serenic. Email is not affected though may be slow if you are at the APC or using remote desktop or VPN.
We will update you as we have more information or check our website at: https://archoit.org/2021/01/26/internet-issues-at-the-apc/
Update 3:00pm – The lines have been stable for a little over 30 minutes. We will continue to monitor the service but for now we will call the service restored and operational. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Update: 1:00pm – We have had multiple reports that Verizon had a fiber optic cable cut in New York which is causing the increased traffic and sluggishness. Services returned to normal briefly. We will continue to monitor the connection to make sure it remains stable.